We are each a drop in the ocean but what is the ocean but a multitude of drops
Each day I ask myself and I invite my children to ask themselves who am i today because I’m not the same when I was yesterday nor am I the same as I’ll be tomorrow and this moment in history in which we’re living is amazing we have access to all kinds of empowering information. and it’s about integrating it within ourselves not expecting that something is going to come from without that’s gonna make us happy but it’s the things that we learn from within us it’s the way we learn to transform ourselves that we can be happy all the time. and there’s so many so many out there just dispense and so forth and I’m just super privileged to be able to share what I learn and just remember we are not the same person we were yesterday let’s choose to be happy and go in a direction that is empowering for us all on this planet.
Reporter : Nadya Eva Mazviita Cazan
Photo/Vidéo : Michael Bouvard
We are each a drop in the ocean
Je m'appelle, J'habite ici
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