Aujourd’hui, je garde la foi

Aujourd’hui, je garde la foi Ou garder l’espoir dans les situations difficiles Aujourd’hui, j’accueille toute situation, sans combattre, colère ou jugement. Aujourd’hui, j’accueille toute situation, sans combattre, colère ou jugement. Rien...

Manifesto (Mason De Chochor)

Manifesto (Mason De Chochor) Manifesto   In keeping with Swiss Democracy, Federalism, Freedom, Neutrality and Care for the Environment, we proclaim the following intentions: To remember that we depend upon the environment and that it is not to be manipulated by...

We can choose to be happy

We can choose to be happy Each day we have our own realities Each day we have our own realities each one of us has our own different realities and we’re faced with different choices now are these choices good or bad in the face of greater good perhaps we...

We are each a drop in the ocean

We are each a drop in the ocean We are each a drop in the ocean but what is the ocean but a multitude of drops Each day I ask myself and I invite my children to ask themselves who am i today because I’m not the same when I was yesterday nor am I the same as...

Ensemble pour les arbres

Ensemble pour les arbres Manifestation « Sauvons nos arbres » Remerciements de Jean R. Hertzschuch (Association Sauvons Nos Arbres) : 👉 à l’association A3S du Secteur Sous-Sarasin du Grand-Saconnex (association membre de...

Who are we ?

Who are we ? Who makes mistakes ? Hi ! do you know anyone who doesn’t make any mistakes, all the time every day ? because I don’t know anyone who doesn’t make any mistakes I know that I make lots of mistakes but I also know that every day I ask...

Espace 5 / e5-Portfolio

Espace 5 / e5-Portfolio Cours de préparation de portfolio d’art e5-portfolio propose des cours pour créer et développer votre portfolio d’art. Stephen Preece détient une maîtrise en développement durable, un diplôme en art et des océans d’expérience...